For more than 32 years, we have offered professional translations across a wide range of technical fields. Combining various services together enables us to provide off-the-shelf solutions for producing manuals. Our effort can be demonstrated on hundreds of manuals prepared for our domestic and international clients.
The target languages for most of our translations are Central and Eastern European languages.
All further processing of translated text is provided, including: desktop publishing, preparation for printing (pre-press)
and printing itself as well as delivery, software localization, design and the creation of internet documents.
Among the manuals we produce are manuals for consumer electronics, mobile phones, office technology, computer technology,
photographic technology, cars, etc. Our translators are certified specialists and experts with college degrees
and rich experience. Our team consists of graphic designers, programmers, internet specialists and other experts.
Thanks to our wide range of cooperation and the option of immediately increasing work capacity, we are capable
of meeting short deadlines even for greater volumes of processed text. The client can check the state of his
order throughout all processing stages at any time via the extranet.
We are confident you will also take advantage of our services and appreciate the high quality, time saved,
extremly competetive prices, short deadlines and individual approach to each client.
We look forward to our cooperation.
Your GVS Team